Brewery News...August 2017
So, lots of improvements over the summer. Engineering and brewing and creativity are intertwining. We're trialing new brewing techniques and equipment changes.
Brewing techniques. We started whirlpooling beer which adds in late aromatic hops. The temperature contorol is essential there to get the best out of the hops. Think of hops as herbs. Some of the best tasting ones are the most fragile: basil and coriander. You can't stew them away for 4 hours or you'll loose most of the expensive aromas.
We filled an oak barrel with an amber ale and are pretty happy with it. After two weeks in the barrel we felt it was over oaked. Which is fantastic as it means the barrels still have a huge amount of oak to impart. This will influence our beers when we launch.
We have been working mostly this summer on getting the licence to manufacture beer in. A big hurdle on this was the waste discharge licence and that hurdle has been overcome. Revenue are visiting again next week with the aim of handing in the application later this month. What looks like our final big hurdle will be our HSE licence which we are working on as well.
While this is happening we've been advised to not have a big celebratory party in the brewery as it may not be looked upon favorably but please do make the effort to come visit. You will be rewarded.
Cleaning out Mad Max: our wood fired boil kettle
Walking through field of spring barley: Gladiator style
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Brewery News...May 2017
Revenue visited us this week. We have most of the certs and licences ready: fire, health and safety, waste water ready. We aim to be legal this summer. We have checked as many known unknowns as we can but are always expecting another.
Walls painted to the sound of music and beers for workers, ceilings boarded and sealed up. Plumbing in last week. Electrics in this week. All that is thanks to our founding members investment .
Sustainable forestry is integral to the brewery: in our spare time we get going on some timber sports. The wood is needed for max anyway (more about max soon). Hugo Deasy has selected Smurf as the current timber sports champion. Box of beer headed his way.
Summer party: our plan is to have a bit of a shindig down on the brewery towards the end of the summer. BBQ, few beers and bit of music. If you have any suggestions or ideas please let us know at
In the mean time: if you're passing by please do call in. You're always welcome: we're just 20 mins from the N7. Don't forget to bring your work clothes though...